Social Responsibility
  • Abide by labor rights
  • Protecting the health of employees
  • Lessening environmental footprint
  • Upholding Business Ethics
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Maintaining labor rights, protecting employee health, reducing environmental impact,
adhering to business ethics, and complying

  We pledge to adhere to local labor laws, the SA8000:2014 standard, and to continually improve our compliance efforts
  We commit to scientific, systematic, and humane management practices that optimize resources, enhance efficiency, and maximize benefits.
  We strictly prohibit child and forced labor, and that CEE refuses to partner with any entities that engage in such practices.
  We ensure a workplace free from harassment or inhumane treatment, upholding the dignity and freedom of all employees.
  We guarantee equality in employment and advancement opportunities, with zero tolerance for discrimination.
  We observe standard work hours, advocate for voluntary overtime, and ensure adequate rest periods for our workforce.
  We foster a collaborative work environment that respects the right to free association and collective bargaining.
  We ensure compensation meets or exceeds legal requirements and is transparently communicated without punitive deductions.
  We provide a safe and healthy work environment, alongside social welfare facilities, to safeguard employee well-being.
  We comply with environmental laws, striving to minimize our ecological footprint in our production processes.
  We are dedicated to continuously enhancing our social responsibility management to meet the evolving needs of our employees, customers, and stakeholders, and to achieve sustainable growth.